L'organisation du château de Regnéville sur Mer
©L'organisation du château de Regnéville sur Mer|Département de la Manche

The organisation of the castle


In the middle of the 14th century, Regnéville castle underwent significant enlargement work. If only for a short time, it took on a classical appearance of a medieval castle, with an inner ward flanked by a keep, and an outer ward around it.

The medieval castle

The layout of the medieval castle is known thanks to the archaeological digs from 1991 to 1993. This uncovered evidence of the presence of an inner ward starting from the south-east corner of the castle, surrounding the keep. The layout dating from the 14th century, only remained for a short time due to successive wars and sieges in 1378, 1418 and 1449.  Following this troubled medieval period, only the ruin of the keep, a vaulted cellar to the north of the outer ward and a few foundations exist today.

A residential outer ward

From 1361, Regnéville Castle became the residence of a captain in the service of Lord Charles le Mauvais, Count of Navarre. The outer ward was where the captain lived, and in particular the north dwelling above the large vaulted cellar. Two centuries later in 1582, Roland de Gourfaleur became the new Lord of Regnéville Castle. He rebuilt the keep and also lived in the north quarters of the outer ward on the first floor.


> Which parts of the castle dating from the Middle Ages are still visible? Which are not visible ?
Answer : The ruin of the keep and the foundations. The vaulted cellar is not visible as it is hidden by the north quarters.
